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National Nutrition Week 2021

National Nutrition Week 2021

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.

Keeping that in mind, the members of the American Dietetic Association (ADA), now called the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, started the National Nutrition Week in March 1975. It was observed to raise public awareness about good nutrition and also to promote the profession of dietitians.

In India, the history of National Nutrition Week dates back to 1982 when the government launched a campaign in 1982 to educate individuals about the importance of nutrition and urged them to maintain a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

This year, India spreads awareness of nutrition under the National Nutrition Week Theme 2021; ‘Feeding smart, right from the start’. The aim this year is to bring to the attention of the general public the benefits of a good nutritional diet, right from birth. A program has been launched by the central government to provide accurate information and raise awareness through seminars and workshops. People from different walks of life will participate in various sub-programs such as Bharat Poshan Premier Quiz, Good Food Talk Show, and Healthy Khayega India in the week-long campaign.

The Style Salad considers itself an ambassador of the initiative.
We have an ever-growing panel of commodities that endorse nutrition and good health.

Just to list down a few - 

  • Amla Powder. We all know the health benefits of Amla, the Indian gooseberry, as people call it. Packed with Vitamin C, iron and calcium, mixing this powder with water and drinking it each day will reap you better immunity, healthy hair growth, a reduced risk of heart diseases and increased skin nourishment, among other things.
    And in similar shape and form, but different content, we have the Moringa Powder and the Bedtime Mix. Same 80 gm package, multiple health benefits! 
  • Our Eucalyptus Honey is sourced from the best apiaries and is high on nutritional value. 
  • In another nutritive attempt, we also have on our diverse product panel Diabetes Friendly Recipes: Low Carb, Low Sugar. It is loaded with a bunch of recipes curated by Dr. Shilpa Varma, a Clinical Nutritionist specialising in scientific diets. You’ll find useful nutritional information, some tips, a background of the dish or its ingredients on each page. 

And we are adding more and more to our nutritious rack. 

However, people must not forget that a truly healthy body is a body that gets a balanced diet and adequate amounts of physical exercise. These are like two sides of a coin; one cannot exist without the other.
Lucky for you, our Health and Fitness section acts as your one-stop solution for all your ‘exercise equipment needs’. 

So, in the immortal words of American Entrepreneur Jim Rohn -
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

Have an a-maize-ing day ahead!

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