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‘Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the prettiest of us all?’ Too dark, too fair, too skinny, too big, too much hair, too little hair— today’s teenagers deal with endless body-image issues. With access to many universes at the tip of their devices, they are constantly bombarded with beauty standards that are portrayed as ‘normal’. But the human body is a thing of beauty and wonder that works hard for us. And regardless of how we look, it’s who we are that matters. Sixteen wonderful writers come together in this powerful anthology to share narratives that explore multiple themes on body positivity with the hope of helping empower teenagers navigate their modern worlds. Includes stories from: Aditi De Anuja Chandramouli Harshikaa Udasi Janani Balaji Nandini Nayar Neha Singh Priyanka Sinha Jha Rajani Thindiath Ratna Manucha Santhini Govindan Shals Mahajan Smita Vyas Kumar Suha Riyaz Khopatkar Vibha Batra Vidya Nesarikar Vinitha